Saturday, May 4, 2019

May 4 - May the Forks Be With You!

I kept hearing people say that today, May the 4th, was space fighting day and that some guy walked through the sky saying to everyone, "May the Forks be with you."  

Why is there fighting in space?  Isn't there enough fighting here on earth?  What is there to fight about in space anyway?  There are no countries to fight with each other.  There are no playground bullies because there are no playgrounds.  I don't think there are politicians in space.  And there are plenty of stars, enough for everyone to have their own.  So why do we have a special day about space fighting?

And why do they, whoever they are, fight with forks?  

Oh!  I bet I know!  

This all has something to do with that cow that jumped over the moon. Maybe that cow is fighting with that dog that laughed at him because he looked funny as he leaped through the stars.  And now the cow needs forks to defend himself because the dish ran away with all of the spoons.  It is probably a good thing that the cow and the dog didn't have any knives.  I guess they had to go through TSA screening before they could fly into space.  I wonder if the fiddling cat now has all of the knives.

This little blue and orange monster doesn't like fighting of any kind so I/m not celebrating space fighting day.  I do have lots of forks, but I am not going to fight with them; I'm going to use them to eat cake.  I want you to have forks too so that I can share my cake with you.

I'll be happy when it is May the 5th!

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